Wednesday, September 13, 2006

First Word

Jovan was down with flu over the weekend. I had suspected it already as he was very cranky on Thurs night. True enough, he started sneezing fit on Friday. Friday night was terrible - we had to administered 'ru yi', removed blanket, feeded him milk and distracted him with unusual thing at 3am! As we are not sure whether he is hungry or in pain. Finally, we decided to adminstered him the nose solution to remove the nose congestion that we suspected through his breathing. It works! He slept thru to the am.
It was a blessing as Clairy's class was postponed to Sunday. We brought him to doc and he seems alright. Doc dispensed some inflammation and nose congestion medicine for him. Jovan was weigh as well, and he is now at 13kg! No wonder I have a hard time balancing him and the pram when I ascend the stairs. I am carrying at least 15kg worth of stuff. That's was all about his flu attack. While he is recuperating, Clairy and I are being attack.
I told myself I must blog this. While I was carrying him at the kitchen window to watch a malay wedding being held at the next block, a car drove past. He blurted the word 'CAR'. That's his first clear word. I was amazed. It is unfortunate Clairy has to be in class. Clairy was not really exicted about his son's first word being 'CAR' when I recounted the incident. LOL. He was like ' son's first word is CAR..hmmm' Awwww...he must have wanted it to be Daddy. ;)

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